Vapor95 Live 2.0 Replay
(Enter Full Screen mode for full e x p e r i e n c e)
In case anyone missed the star studded second Vapor95 Live Stream...
We've uploaded the full show for you all!
The show was incredible, featuring a roster of some of Vaporwave's most prominent names. It was so much fun hanging out with fellow fans and supporters!
Special thanks to Bl00dwave, VAPERROR, Neon Vectors, Kiss Me Nerdy Girl, Pad Chennington, t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者, Windows96, chris†††, CVLTVRΣ, and Night Tempo! Be sure to follow and support these artists!
We're planning to do more of these shows so stay tuned for upcoming ones by following the DARKNET Recordings Instagram, the Vapor95 Instagram, or our Facebook. You can also sign up for our mailing list on the bottom of our store's homepage.